
2011 star wars the old republic pc game
2011 star wars the old republic pc game

2011 star wars the old republic pc game

We have a whole lot of people who play our game, but who’ve never had a chance to play KOTOR one or two. Are you interested in calling back to those stories, or are you more interested in working on new material?īoyd: We always want it to be accessible for someone who’s just come in. GamesBeat: You have your own legacy material in a way, with the first two Knights of the Old Republic games. We can draw on all that and make something that feels like Star Wars while still being in a different part of the timeline and a different place for telling our own stories. Lasers and star destroyers, all that great stuff that makes Star Wars.

2011 star wars the old republic pc game

We can hit a lot of the beats that everyone loves about Star Wars - the characters that you identify with, the choices that are meaningful and play out in some huge galactic way. Setting it far enough from the films to have the freedom to tell a story that really impacts the galaxy in huge, epic ways, while still feeling like Star Wars. It’s the same reasoning that brought BioWare to create Knights of the Old Republic back in the day. GamesBeat: Does that give you more freedom than some of the other creators working more closely with the movie timeline?īoyd: That really comes from the Old Republic setting, more than anything. That’s still dialed into our stuff a lot. Charles Boyd: Yeah, we’re 3000-plus years in the past and still using a lot of the old Extended Universe legends.

2011 star wars the old republic pc game